Want A Healthy Life ? Forget Exercise Excuses



Every one of us want to be healthy and in perfect body shape. However, most of us hide our self behind different excuses when it comes to doing some physical exercises. Studies shows that regular exercise is the key to stay fit and in shape overtime. Exercise keeps you fresh and in a happy mood throughout the day. It also helps to keep mental stress away. In this technology driven world, it becomes even more important to do the exercise on regular basis. Lack of physical activities has leaded to increase in the overall obesity rate not only among adults but children also. We prefer to order our food by phone or online rather than walking out of the home. Every now and then, we get a reason for not doing physical workout. Here are some common excuses that our mind gives when thinking about physical exercise along with the resolution.


1. I am busy and do not have time for workout :-

This is the most common excuse that about all of us makes for not doing exercise. What you can do if you do not have time. Well, make use of the time that you have. If your office is at a walk able distance, then go to office walking. Walking is a great physical workout to stay fit. If your office is far away than going to the office by walk is not an option for you. When you are in your office, take 2 minutes break every hour. Just get up from your desk and start walking around. You can run downstairs and come up back running. These little workouts will help you a lot and will keep you fit. In spite of using lift, prefer stairs whenever possible. Carry your tea cup with you and go out walking while taking tea. People spend hours in front of their favorite TV serials. If you are serious about getting fit and healthy, here is a great tip for you. Place your treadmill in front of the TV. Start walking and you may spend the entire hour while walking without even consciously knowing it. Isn’t it great? Use these precious gifts of time to stay fit.


2. I am too old for this

This is the most common excuse among elderly people. As per doctors, old age excuse is nothing more than myth. You can start the healthy exercise practice any time in your life. People who regularly do exercise are less prone to illness or other health problems. Even if some time they fall ill, they tend to recover faster than the people not doing any physical exercise at all. You do not need to force your body to run. Walking daily for just 20 – 25 minutes can keep you fit and healthy. It will help you maintain strength in your muscles as well as bones and prevent getting over weight.


3. I don’t get a break from the baby

After giving birth to a baby, mothers have to stay with them all the time. They cannot leave the babies behind to get out for a workout in gym. But still they can stay fit by using their surrounding for the workout. You do not have to leave your baby for getting fit exercise. Instead get your baby involved in your workout. Just carry your baby and walk in your lawn area for some time or may be inside the home. If possible, put the baby in the stroller and take him/her out with you for a walk. This way you will be able to stay with your baby while doing much needed physical exercise and your baby will get fresh open air for some time which is good for health. Spend some time on the treadmill while your baby is sleeping. You may dance to entertain your baby as dancing is a great physical workout and is fun as well. As your baby grows, it will become much easier for you to get your baby involved in physical exercises cum fun activities.


4. I am too fat/too thin

Your physical appearance is nothing to do with exercise. Doesn’t matter whether you are fat or thin, if you want to stay fit you need to do some physical exercise. If you are too fat, you should set a goal for reducing some extra weight and do physical workout for that. If you are too thin, you need to get proper workout to gain some mass in the body. Besides this, simple walking or slow jogging is the activity that anyone can do.


There is a long list of other excuses that we make to put away much needed exercise. But, fact is that either we can stay fit and enjoy a healthy lifestyle or we can make excuses and face bad effects of no workout at all.