Getting Six Pack Abs

six pack abs diet plan

Getting Six Pack Abs or Flat Belly is dream of nearly all adult females and males as well. Every one of us wants to have flat six pack abs. People go to gym and do several tough workouts for some days, but most of them fail to achieve the goal.


In order to get six packs, you need to do follow these two things :-

1. Change your eating habits.
2. Follow a proper six pack abs workout.


Diet pattern

In order to achieve your goal, you first need to get rid of the fat in your body.

For achieving this :-

1. Change your high calories food with low calories nutritional food. Avoid the fried food, junk foods and all other food that are high in saturated fats. The reason is that you need your body to burn the extra fats that are present in your body rather than supplying it from outside. Our body requires energy moving the muscles or doing any physical job. This energy is obtained by burning of calories inside the body. When we provide low calories – low fat food to the body, the body will burn the stored fats in order to get energy for the functioning. Green leafy vegetables are ideal low calories high fiber foods that help a lot in the process. High amount of fiber ensures that your stomach stays filled for long time and you do not feel hungry. Green vegetables are excellent source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients required by the body. This change alone will help you getting Six Pack Abs Fast.

2. Get your diet chart designed by your physical trainer or expert and then replace your foods one at a time. This is very important because if you tend to change your diet at once, your body may not immediately adapt this huge change. Give some time to your body to get it familiar with your new diet. Changing one at a time will help your body adapt to new routine without any stress on your system.

3. Remember, not all fats are bad fats and body needs some amount of good fats for optimal functioning. Good fats are the fats obtained from nuts, olives, almonds etc. These saturated fats provided long term consistent flow of energy upon breaking down and so helps in getting flat belly.

4. Carry out fruits with you when you get out of home for longer time. Fruits are high in fibers and low in calories. They also have lot of antioxidant properties in them. Due to high amount of dietary fiber, fruits are ideal for Getting six pack abs. Caring fruits will help you prevent eating any other high calories or junk food when you feel hungry.

5. Drink lot of water throughout the day. As per studies, a person should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily in order to stay fit. Water has great filling properties so it makes you feel full and prevent you from eating. It also helps you to drain out waste toxic material from the body. So, adequate supply of water is very important. It keeps your muscles healthy and hydrated. Water actually helps a lot in getting flat belly.

6. Eat 5 to 6 small meals over the day other than 3 heavy meals. Eating small meals ensures that your body metabolic system stays busy without feeling much pressure.


Watch video for ” foods for Getting Six Pack Abs Fast “


Exercises for getting Six Pack Abs

Any exercise that builds muscles and strength burns lots of calories. Muscles in the body are the ultimate fat burning machines. So, building up muscles strength will help you lot in losing extra fats in the body. Here are some effective flat belly exercises :-


1. Crunches


This exercise is great and well know exercise to build six pack abs fast.

* Lie down on a mat on the floor with arms crossed in front of your chest. Bend your knees and bring your feet little towards your hips.

* Putting pressure on your abdominal muscles, pick your shoulders towards your knees. Remember, always use your abs muscles to lift your shoulder and do not lift your entire body. Do this work out slowly without swinging your body.

* Hold for a second at the top position. Then release your body slowly down and inhale. Repeat the process.

2. Sit ups


* Lie down on a mat with knees bent and arms crossed in front of your chest. Ask your training partner or trainer to hold your knees and feet.

* Then lift your body and lower back about an inch up the ground. Using abdominal muscles lift your shoulders and body towards your knees and touch your knees with your chin or bring it just close to the knees.

* Hold the position for a second and then slowly release the body back up to the initial point i.e. an inch above the ground. Repeat the process again.

3. Leg lifts


This exercise puts a lot of pressure on your abs and is great for getting flat belly.

* Lie down in a mat with straight back and both hands beside your body.

* Keeping your legs straight, lift them above the ground until they becomes perpendicular to the ground. You need to keep your knees straight during the process.

* Hold a second at the top point and then lowly release them down and hold them an inch above the ground.

* Hold for a second and then again lift them up until they get perpendicular. Repeat the entire process.

4. Static holds


* Get down on a mat in a push-up position with all your body weight on your toes and palms.

* Bend your elbows and get your upper body on your forearms. Keep your body straight from feet to head. Hold the position as long as possible.

Check out the video for ” Best Flat Belly Exercises “


Along with proper exercise, your body needs proper rest. So, take at least 8 hour of sleep daily. Try to stay away from tensions and depression.

Following above stated tactics, if followed seriously, can lead you to your goal of getting six pack abs.